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Moments That Matter | Chartwell's Emotional Health Program

It comes as no surprise that when we’re感觉感情强烈,we’re better equipped to manage life’s ups and downswith enthusiasm, humour and grace. Our emotional strength is derived from how we see the world and the degree to which we feel positive in our outlook.

To better support our residents in achieving an optimistic attitude and maintain feelings of happiness—no matter what life brings—we createdMoments That Matter. This unique program encourages our residents to share a special moment with our staff so they can help to make it a reality.

Whether it’s riding a horse for the first time, enjoying a romantic anniversary dinner, seeing a childhood home again, showcasing personal artwork at a local gallery, or even tasting your first ever double-double from Tim Horton’s, our staff are actively listening to hear what small, yet important moments could help you or a loved one experience a renewed sense of positivity and peace.

Give us a call1-855-461-0685

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