8 tips for preventing and managing headaches

Excerpt:Headaches affect about half of adults globally and preventive non-drug strategies can be effective in helping to relieve headache pain and improve quality of life. Low-impact exercise, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can prevent or ease headaches by reducing stress and unwinding tight muscles. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, staying hydrated, and avoiding headache triggers can also help to prevent or reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.

June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month.* Headaches affect about half of all adults globally,* according to the World Health Organization, and knowing how to effectivelyprevent or manage headachescan make a significant difference in relieving pain and improving people’s quality of life.

The most common are tension-type headaches, which can be brought on by stress, depression, hunger and muscle strain,* says HealthLink BC. Migraines are the second most common type of headache among older adults, affecting about 10% of seniors every year,* according to Mayo Clinic. In Canada, at least 2.6 million women and nearly 1 million men overall experience migraines,* reportsCanadian Family Physician.

While prescription and over the counter (OTC) medications may have a role to play in managing headaches in consultation with a doctor, preventive strategies such as stress management, regular exercise and getting more sleep can help to ease symptoms and provide pain relief,* advises Harvard Medical School.

Here are some tips to help prevent headaches, and reduce their frequency and severity:

  1. Exercise to ease tension headaches.WebMD建议,做一些低强度的运动,比如散步、瑜伽或使用阻力带进行力量训练,可以通过降低压力和放松肌肉紧张来缓解压力,这是紧张性头痛的两大原因。
  2. Avoid migraine and other headache triggers.Common headache triggers include certain foods such as nuts, bananas, cheese, onions, and processed foods with nitrites, nitrates or monosodium glutamate, alcohol, lack of sleep, bright light, loud noises, smoke, caffeine withdrawal, and stress.* A headache diary can help you track your triggers and try to avoid them.*
  3. 正念冥想可以缓解偏头痛。A 2021International Journal of Behavioral Medicinestudy found that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy decreased migraine frequency by 40% and improved psychological functioning.*Mindfulness meditationreduced migraine frequency and headache-related disability, pain intensity and depression,* reported aJAMA Internal Medicinestudy.
  4. 保证充足的睡眠,不要不吃饭。Studies have linked lack of sleep to both tension and migraine headaches,* according to Healthline. Try to follow aregular sleep scheduleand eat healthy meals at about the same time each day.*
  5. Stay hydrated.即使是轻微的脱水也会导致老年人头痛。*每天喝大量的水或其他液体来防止脱水头痛。为了缓解脱水头痛,慢慢地喝一两杯水,这应该会让你在喝水后的三个小时内感觉好些。*还要注意脱水是许多处方药和非处方药的常见副作用。*
  6. Prevent rebound headaches.Avoid taking OTC pain relievers more than three times a week because you may get rebound headaches.*
  7. Use a cold compress to ease mild pain.Apply a cold, moist cloth to your forehead and temples to relieve mild headache pain.* Don’t apply ice or a cold pack directly to your skin and limit use to 15 minutes at a time.
  8. 尝试补充或替代疗法。There is evidence that acupuncture, biofeedback, and massage offer some people relief from headache pain.*