8 tips to prevent or ease low back pain

Low back pain affectsup to 80% of Canadiansat some point in their lives, saysBone and Joint Canada.It’s also themost common health problem among older adults that results in pain and disability,according to脊柱侧弯和脊柱疾病。

Low back pain is more common amongpeople who are sedentary根据美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的数据,比那些每天进行适度体育活动的人要多。缺乏运动的生活方式导致的背部和腹部肌肉薄弱,可能不能正确地支撑脊柱,并增加疼痛的风险。

Spine needs movement

New guidelines from both theLancetand the American College of Physicians (ACP)recommend exercise and a range of other non-drug optionsas the first line of treatment for improving lower back pain. If these methods don’t help, patients can consider NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as ibuprofen.Diagnostic imaging,such as X-rays or MRIs, is only recommended if the doctor suspects a specific condition that may be causing lower back pain, says theLancet.

Here are tips to help keep your back healthy and ease lower back pain:

1. Stay active.Do regularlow-impact aerobic activities,such as walking or swimming, that don’t strain or jolt your back, advises HealthLinkBC.

2. Gently stretch and strengthen.Talk to your doctor or a physiotherapist about choosing somespecific exercises recommended by Alberta Health Servicesto reduce lower back pain.

3. Try tai chi or yoga.Nearly 90% of 3,500 people who usedtai chi or yoga to ease back painfound it helpful, according toConsumer Reports.Tai chi strengthens muscles in the abdomen and pelvic area that support the lower back and improves posture, says the Veteran’s Health Administration.

4. Consider massage therapy.Massage can helprelax muscles, boost circulation and ease soft tissue pain,suggests HealthLinkBC.

5. Practice good posture.Keep yourears, shoulders and hips in a straight linewhen you sit, stand and walk, advises HealthLinkBC.

6. Maintain a healthy weight.Carryingtoo much weight strains back muscles.梅奥诊所表示,减肥可以预防或帮助缓解背痛。

7. Sleep on your side.To reduce pressure on your back,sleep on your side with your knees bentand use a firm mattress, says The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC).

8. Lift smart.Avoid lifting heavy objects. Lift a light object bybending your hips and knees,and keeping your back straight, advises the CFPC.