7 nutrition tips for healthy summer eating


The traditional Mediterranean diet is based on typical food patterns favoured by people living in countries such as Spain, Italy, and Greece with hot, dry summer climates.

Plant-based foods are its foundation, along with fish, seafood and poultry in moderation, and olive oil as the main source of added fat,* according to Mayo Clinic.

A Mediterranean-style diet has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, dementia, certain cancers, depression, and frailty in older adults,* reports Harvard University. With a bountiful supply of in-season fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices available, summer is the perfect time to incorporate somenutrient-rich elementsof Mediterranean cuisine into your daily eating patterns:

  1. Paint your plate with rainbow colours.想想红色的西红柿、绿色的芦笋、紫色的葡萄、黄色的辣椒、橙色的桃子、白色的洋葱和棕色的蘑菇。Includingvegetables and fruits of different coloursin your meals and snacks offers many important health benefits.* That’s because each colour of vegetable or fruit contains different phytonutrients, compounds that promote health and protect against chronic diseases.*
  2. Enjoy chilled soups to keep you cool.Try chilled soups like gazpacho, lemongrass-ginger-carrot soup, or cold cucumber soup with yogurt and dill to keep you refreshed and hydrated through the summer.
  3. 吃各种各样的、健康的蛋白质食物。Look to the Mediterranean diet as a guide for healthy daily protein consumption. Enjoy fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, and plenty ofplant-based proteinfrom beans, peas, lentils and nuts.*
  4. 烤鱼中含有必需脂肪酸。Older adults with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their red blood cells lived nearly 5 years longer on average,* reported a 2021 study inThe AmericanJournal of Clinical Nutrition.Fatty, oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, trout, tuna, and sardines are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, as are walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, brussels sprouts, and omega-3 fortified eggs,* according to Healthline.
  5. Drink plenty of water and nutritious smoothies.Older adults need to drink more fluids to compensate for changes in their body temperature regulation, which increase the risk of dehydration,* advises University of Ottawa. Drink water even when you’re not thirsty. Add variety and nutrients by drinking fruit or vegetable smoothies, and water lightly flavored with your favourite fruit ingredients.
  6. Season with herbs and spices to boost heart health.宾夕法尼亚州立大学和克莱姆森州立大学最近的研究报告称,用大蒜、生姜、姜黄、罗勒和莳萝等香草和香料调味食物,可以促进心脏健康,降低血压和胆固醇。《加拿大食物指南》*建议,尝试不同的香草和香料,而不是添加盐,可以增加味道,刺激老年人的食欲。
  7. Dress salads with healthy oils.Regular consumption of olive oil, a Mediterranean diet staple, is associated with a lower risk of death from heart disease, cancer, dementia, and respiratory diseases,* reported a 2022Journal of the American College of Cardiologystudy. Canola, sunflower, sesame, and safflower oils are other healthy oils that can provide you with essential fatty acids and antioxidants in salads.*